
國產高空作業平臺 > 鋁合金高空作業平臺您當前所在位置:首頁 > 產品展示 > 國產高空作業平臺 > 鋁合金高空作業平臺


上傳日期:2015年6月25日  瀏覽次數:1564

  Mast aerial work platform
  GTWY series of mast aerial work platform comprisee six differenttypes, with a lift of platform form
  6.4 meters to 14.5 meters. They are a new generation of products with nover drsign and made of
  new profife alumiumalloy. Due to the high strength of the profile alloy, the deviation and oscillation
  if the lifting platform has been reduced to a minimum. The work plarform hs a slim and graceful
  appearance, and is able  bring its utmost lift into play in a very small sapce. This makes poossible
  an easy, high effiant an safe aeriat work done in such places as hotels, airports, railway stations,
  gymnasiums, woekshops and warehouses.



地址:海口市海秀中路129號升宇雅苑首層 電話:0898—68915058 68922505 傳真:0898-68917076

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